The Theatre Process
VIDYA reaches out to people through
theatre. Theatre affords a safe space in which complex
issues can be presented and analysed in a non-didactic
and inclusive way. People are more likely to sit up and
listen when serious concerns are conveyed through
stories that have elements of fun and entertainment.
When perhaps their own voices are echoed in the words of
characters they can identify with. Or when they are able
to recognize situations as extensions of their own
VIDYA has adopted and liberally
adapted techniques from the methodology of the Theatre
of the Oppressed (TO) conceived by the internationally
celebrated Brazilian writer, director, performer,
teacher and scholar Augusto Boal. "A radical theory
that aims to turn the practice of theatre into an
effective tool for the comprehension of social and
personal problems and the search for their
In Gujarat, VIDYA has pioneered
work in the application of Forum Theatre, a vital
element of the TO genre. Forum is a piece of theatre
focusing on a problem relevant, ideally, to the lives of
both those that perform it and before whom it is
performed. It usually features a central protagonist who
tries but fails to overcome oppressions in his or her
life. The play is performed twice and the second time
around, members of the audience (also called
spect-actors) are invited to stop the action of the play
at moments where they feel they could have done things
differently had they been in the protagonist's place.
They are asked to try out their ideas through actions
and attempt to change the negative outcome of the play.
While the actors remain true to their characters via
constant improvisation. Through these interventions
Forum Theatre becomes a rehearsal for reality and a
platform to share information and common concerns. The
idea is not to create competition between actors and
spect-actors but to initiate a process of self-discovery
and empowerment for all.
Vidya also performs
Structured or non-Forum theatre, often facilitating
interactive sessions with audiences after a play is
enacted. Music and songs are an integral feature
of VIDYA's performances and have proved to be very
effective in attracting audiences and providing
entertainment. People, especially children, remember the
message-based lyrics long after the play is over. We
have often been greeted with familiar tunes on returning
to a particular area. In Ahmedabad, performances are
regularly held on an average of four per month, in
selected slums. Click here to see our most recent performance schedule.
The pre and post-performance
periods are of great significance in our working
process. Before making inroads in an area, the team
carries out statistical as well as qualitative research
on necessary data with special focus on the status of
the girl-child in that particular place. Contacting
local officials, other organisations that may be working
there, and community leaders form an important part of
the research. As well as personal interviews with a
cross-section of people living in the region. VIDYA's
work does not end with the culmination of a performance.
Besides gathering instant feedback on issues presented,
team members return to the area to facilitate small,
sometimes single-sex, group discussions on concerns
depicted within or arising out of our plays. Several
community groups have been formed as a result of such
exchanges. Like the fathers' groups in some places. VIDYA has also created innumerable role-play scenarios
together with local
people based on their indigenous
experiences, situations and difficulties. People are
encouraged to reassess existing negative attitudes and
actions. And collectively assume responsibility for
their community's
Forum Play involves not merely issue-based performances. This technique portrays a central character where a problem evolves around. At the end of the performance the central character raises various questions which involve discussions with the audience. A collective view of the audience is performed to find out the solution of the problem.
Forum Theatre is a theatrical game in which a problem is shown in an unsolved form, to which the audience, again spect-actor, is invited to suggest and enact his/her solution. The problem is always the symptom of an expression, and generally involves visible oppressors and a protagonist who is oppressed. In its purest form, both actors and the spect-actor will be people who are victims of the oppression under consideration. That is why they are able to offer an alternative solution because they themselves are personally acquainted with the oppression. The forum is a form of contest between spect-actors trying to bring the play to different end (in which the cycle of oppression is broken) and actors ostensibly making every possible effort to bring it to its original end (in which the oppressed is defeated and the oppressors are triumphant)
Munni is a perfect example of FORUM Theatre, though its pre-launch brought on much criticism but it was very well received after its launch. In the very first performance it gained tremendous success by bringing in about 3755 audience out of the total population of 7995 in the various urban slums. This play is based on the exploitation of women with the main theme of Sexual Harassment in the workplace, which later leads to various physiological and psychological problems.
“Vidya”, on the other hand is a structured play throwing light on the Female Fetus issue. The audience takes a similar interest as with forum plays but here, problems and discussions relate to the play as well as the character has to deal with the issue in workshops arranged by VIDYA’s peer group. In addition, experts are invited from various specialized field for instance in DwarikaDish Nagar – Amraiwadi, a community member who is an advocate in the Session court provided his counseling/expertise on women’s right and the most effective way to approach the judicial system.
Click here to see the Schedule of our upcoming Community Performances.
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