
We are an Educational and Charitable Trust based in Ahmedabad, the largest city in the Western State of Gujarat in India. We work within 28 slums across Ahmedabad.

iconPeer Group Performance Company

VIDYA's strength lies in its Peer Group Performance Company. A core team of people recruited from various slums of Ahmedabad. Through intensive and continuous training they have developed into actor-activists who not only perform in front of their peers but also facilitate issue-based workshops, debates and discussions within target communities. The problems that form the subject matter of the plays are, more often than not, those that the performers have themselves encountered at some points of time in their lives. As role-models and vanguards of change -the Performance Company truly represents the essence and spirit of VIDYA.

iconMobile Stage

VIDYA performances are held in extremely challenging theatre environments. Audiences are unpredictable. Sometimes there are young children making a huge racket. Spectators of the four-legged variety are often part of the crowd! The actors have to ecessarily become larger than life to capture the attention of the viewers and make their voices heard above the din of atmospheric cacophony. To provide optimum visibility, VIDYA has custom-built a Mobile Stage. This performance unit consists of a minibus with a fold-down stage and is equipped with its own sound amplifiers. The Mobile Stage has become our trademark. There is much excitement as the bus rolls into an area with the VIDYA logo and messages emblazoned on its sides. Children run alongside and watch in fascination, as the stage is unfolded. It is almost like a circus coming to town! Besides the practical advantages, the Mobile Stage is also a very visually appealing element of VIDYA's field presence.