
We are an Educational and Charitable Trust based in Ahmedabad, the largest city in the Western State of Gujarat in India. We work within 28 slums across Ahmedabad.

iconOur Vision
  1. To effect attitudinal change in deprived sectors of society in order to improve the situation of girl children, using performing arts to raise awareness
  2. To monitor progress towards girl child development from well researched baseline statistics
  3. To use artistic activities to promote self-confidence and self-expression in young women
  4. To organize workshops for attitudinal change for relevant groups, including children’s groups, fathers’ groups, lorry and truck drivers, rag pickers and liquor consumers
  5. To provide training for NGO’s working in this field who wish to use arts for social change  
iconOur Mission

VIDYA is committed to changing minds and behavioural patterns that impede the development of communities by using theatre as a vehicle and peer-group role models as navigators of transformation in the difficult but essential journey towards progressive thinking and living.